
Loading From Web APIS

Loading From Web APIS

This demonstration shows how simple it is to load data from JSON files and REST API calls into your data warehouse using WhereScape RED. In this video, you'll learn: - How to use the built-in file parsing capabilities in WhereScape RED. - Step-by-step instructions to...

Data Warehouse Implementation: The Dimensions of Fast

WhereScape® RED provides a productivity boost by building, prototyping, and enhancing data warehouses 10 to 100 times faster than traditional products. This white paper examines each of the following factors that influence project duration and speed of delivery: Rapid...

Big Data Automation

Since the beginning of the Big Data revolution, IT teams have struggled with how to optimally organize big data sources and big data sets given their limited resources, and big data’s historically manual, artisanal handling. To move forward with big data...