White Paper: Delivering Data Warehouses on Microsoft SQL Server

By: WhereScape

Understanding the differences in SQL Server data warehouse architecture, approach and benefits between leveraging Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) versus WhereScape® RED automation software is integral to choosing the right toolset for your data warehouse or big data integration project. This white paper provides an overview of both offerings to help you gain a clear grasp of the functionalhttps://www.wherescape.com/solutions/automation-software/wherescape-red/ity each offers and which approach is best suited to the development methodologies and vision within your IT organization.

Download this white paper to better understand:

  • The difference in architecture and approaches between Microsoft SSIS and WhereScape RED
  • The potential roles of both data warehousing tools within the data warehouse lifecycle to address needs typically associated with the ETL process
  • The additional benefits WhereScape RED offers teams beyond ETL/ELT needs in developing, managing and documenting data warehouses on Microsoft SQL Server, given its use of metadata

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Learn more about our unique data productivity capabilities for these leading platforms

Deploy on Microsoft Azure and integrate with Microsoft applications.

Seamlessly work with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Leverage a complete range of Google infrastructure and data solutions.

Ingest data from multiple sources and deliver more business insights.


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“It took the architects a day and a half to solve all four use cases. They built two Data Vaults on the host application data, linked the two applications together and documented the whole process. This was impressive by any standard. After that it was an easy process to get all the documents signed.”

Daniel Seymore, Head of BI, Investec South Africa

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"At seven months into the project we can say it really worked out. We have been able to really quickly develop an initial MVP for our first country and that was really good. The automation and the changes we needed to do were rapidly applied. We had to remodel a few things and that was done within a day with the automation in WhereScape."

Carsten Griefnow, Senior BI Manager

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"It’s like having five people with only really two people working on it."

Will Mealing, Head of Data & Analytics at L&G

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